Wing Chun Blog 6 - Review Class


This was a full on review class. All the stuff we did was stuff we had covered in previous classes with no new material. This is the kind of thing that seems like it would be boring but it’s what’s allowing me to get better at wing chun since I have so much time to practice everything.  I was struggling a bit with the not chi sau drill though. I was sort of circling my punch and block, which is kind of obviously wrong, but I have trouble throwing a straight punch from that distance. I’ll have to see if maybe my weight is settled wrong or something. My leg also isn’t strong enough to do that drill for as long as we sometimes do it.


After all that not chi sau though we went straight into our tan, pak, and other sao with punch. I definitely had a little bit of trouble with it at first but as I do it more I’m starting to get it down. I can more often block and step correctly without having to think quite so much about which hand and leg are supposed to move. I especially like doing it as a partner drill with an actual block. That seems to make it a little more realistic and makes me make sure the technique it right or it won’t block anything.


The next class though wasn’t so great. The Futian location of the school that will open soon is going to be great for me since it will be much closer to my apartment but the first class there is graduation. So this class seemed to be a pretty review heavy class to get everyone ready to test. The problem was that we reviewed a lot of the stuff together as a class but I’m still pretty new so most of it I haven’t seen yet. So for the people testing it was probably a great class because they could review everything and get ready but for me in was kind of overwhelming as I hopped from one new thing to another. I don’t feel like that much of what we reviewed was all that difficult but since I hadn’t seen it before I needed some time to practice it to sort of get the hang of it. But since we were reviewing we’d jump to the next thing pretty quick. Which is probably okay since I’m not supposed to know most of that stuff anyway but it’s still a little frustrating.

Baby steps. Although sort of boring at first glance I am enjoying regularly reviewing the same things because it does seem to be helping me improve. And I’m also looking forward to seeing my first graduation soon.

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