Rey MAFAN - Fight Videos part 3

These videos were really fun. I first met Lewis, who plays Rey MAFAN, at a short film showing in May 2019 after Dan convinced me to submit ‘The Map.’ I wasn’t too sure about it at first but decided it couldn’t hurt and almost immediately regretted my decision. It seemed like all the other people presenting short films filmed stuff as their job or had gone to film school. ‘The Map’ looked incredibly amateur compared to everything else. Because it was. But I met a ton of people, including Lewis, so the event ended up being pretty good. Unfortunately my initial meeting with Lewis didn’t go anywhere until I ran into him again at a craft beer fest a little later. After that we met up and decided to film two videos using Rey MAFAN, his YouTube persona. One for each of our pages. Since we had his character we felt we needed an equally over the top story and came up with ‘Caffeine Shock.’ That meant can collecting. For a couple of months at work I had everyone give me their energy drink and coffee cans so we had enough for the scene walking down the hill into the park. They thought it was weird I think.

For the second one we decided to pivot a little and make it actually happen, which the characters would reference. Mine would be scared to see Rey MAFAN and red MAFAN would be really confused about what was going on. I really liked a lot of the stuff that we choreographed for this fight but it didn’t quite end how we had wanted. We were filming in a park and right before we finished someone called the cops. They were really polite but told us we had to stop. I guess someone didn’t like foreigners running around the park in costumes. That’s why we can’t have nice things I guess. Luckily we were so close to being finished we could still make an ending with what we had filmed, even if it was a little different than what we had wanted.

The Rey MAFAN fights were definitely a step up in terms of storytelling compared to a lot of the fights that I’d done before. We actually sat down to try to come up with something instead of going with whatever popped into our heads.

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