
If you’re wondering where all my content went and are afraid I bailed I can assure you that’s not the case. My current job seems to have run its course so I’m in the process of trying to find a new job before my visa runs out and I get kicked out of the country. It’s…taking up a lot of my free time. Almost all of it. Because of the job hunt I’m taking some time off. I’ve posted here and there over the last couple of weeks and I’ll try to update the blog with some shorter posts more frequently (a couple of times a week instead of the previous once on Sunday), but regular Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube posts are going to have to go on hiatus while I find a new job. I do apologize but my time is, uh, stretched. To put it lightly. And I just can’t fit everything in. Once I’ve got a new job locked in I’ll get right back into the posts. So enjoy your time off from my rambling and I’ll be back soon (I hope…).

Again I’m really sorry to anybody who enjoys my posts but please keep an eye on the website and social media sites hopefully I’ll be back to posting sooner rather than later. 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on my next trip. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all the pictures and videos from my trips.