The Consumer Electronics Show

I’ll be at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas at the beginning of January and will be heading home this week to see my family for the holidays before heading to Las Vegas for the event. So Myriad Misadventures will be a little sporadic over probably the next month. There probably won’t be any new posts this week and then posting will be a little sporadic for a couple weeks after that. I’ll do my best to have Sunday blog posts still, and since it’s the end of the year that means a 2022 year in review post and a look ahead at 2023 post. I’ll also try to post some photos on Twitter and Facebook like I do when I travel. But the regular stuff won’t be quite so regular for a bit. I’m sorry but as soon as I’m I’ll do my best to catch back up!

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all my pictures and videos.