Getting Recognized

The first time I got recognized Max and I were in Huaqiangbei (where Shenzhen’s big electronics market is) and someone came up, showed us his phone, and asked if I was the same guy. I was. It happened again at Taco Bell. Then occasionally in other places. That first time was really surreal. It’s still pretty weird when it happens but I’m starting to get used to it.

It happened again today. But this time the guy recognized me from YouTube. I’ve always gotten recognized from Douyin, which is the Chinese version of TikTok. My other social media pages aren’t really successful enough for me to get recognized. But today someone bucked the trend and recognized me from YouTube. I had just gone to throw away my trash and was on the way to the supermarket when I heard someone say they’d seen my videos on YouTube. Usually if someone is speaking English they’re talking to me. I was right. After a short conversation I was back on my way to the supermarket. Still a little weird but man is it cool to get recognized.

I had never actually thought about getting recognized when I started the blog but I guess that’s the sort of thing that can happen when you start putting so much of your life online. And for really popular people I bet it can get pretty annoying. But for little old me it’s still pretty cool.

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