Movie Fights - Fight Videos part 5

I like watching fight videos too. That’s why I decided I wanted to try making them; I watched movies with cool fights. After starting I went in search of other people doing the same thing, but a quick YouTube search didn’t yield all that much. Most of what I found were movie clips, or big creators like Martial Club. But I had a hard time finding smaller stuff. It must be there but for some reason I couldn’t find it. After that I realized that other people might also have trouble finding these videos. Or they might just watch fights from movies without realizing that people are making their own similar (albeit much lower budget) videos. That’s where the idea of learning some fights from different movies came from.

I figured that if we had a fight from a movie it would be easier, or at least more likely, to be found. Then if someone watched it they might then visit my YouTube page and see all our original fights. With that settled we needed to pick a fight to learn, which had its own problems. My friends and I obviously aren’t Jackie Chan and Tony Jaa. We couldn’t do some of the crazier fights so we had to pick something a little more basic. We also didn’t have wires or lots of safety gear so we couldn’t do anything that required either.

With this in mind we picked a Michael Jai White fight from “Never Back Down 3.” The fight was pretty cool but not too difficult so we thought it would be a good place to start. I filmed it with James, who I had met at Wuxing, and Beren, who I knew from capoeira class. We didn’t have much time to practice all together so I practiced with Beren and James separately and just learned both parts. Then when we met to film they practiced together a couple of times. It came out well and got a couple hundred views but we realized we needed a bigger name.

Neither the “Never Back Down” franchise not Michael Jai White have the name recognition of some other movies and actors. We knew we wanted a movie with a bigger name actor for the second video but still had to work around our limitations. We decided on a Bruce Lee fight since they seemed less technical than fights by guys like Jet Li or Donnie Yen. Then from there we chose the fight against Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from “Game of Death” because it didn’t seem too difficult. Unfortunately it is VERY long and if you watch our fight after watching the original fight you’ll see we didn’t do the entire thing. What happened was we got bored. That’s right. Bored. We had learned a bunch of the fight but really wanted to move on to something new. So instead of spending even more time to learn the rest of the fight we found a part where we could sort of skip right to the end and filmed a shortened version.

Turned out picking a big name actor worked and the video got a lot more views and some positive responses. From there we had to decided where to go next. The two fights we floated were the sword fight from “The Princess Bride” and the end fight from “Bloodsport.” “The Princess Bride” was up first and we got to work. Unfortunately we didn’t finish and had to shelve it but I’m hoping we can either bring it back or start working on the “Bloodsport” fight soon.

I feel like trying to film some fights from movies was one of my better ideas. Unfortunately I haven’t done nearly enough of them. But that means there’s still plenty for the future.

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