Director's Cut

I haven’t been posting much, as I mentioned in this post, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything. Sometimes the job hunt burns me out a little bit so I’ll do some blog stuff to settle down a little. And the thing I’ve scaled back the least during the job hunt is Bilibili, which is a Chinese site that’s sort of like YouTube. I post my YouTube videos there but they have to get subtitled before I can upload them. Because of the time that takes Bilibili is months behind YouTube. So since it’s already behind I’ve been trying to keep up with transcripts to send to my translator (check him out on Fiverr if you need any English to Chinese translations). And that led me to another meme.

Why? Because the next video I had to transcribe was ‘The Tree,’ which was the third tourist vs expat fight. When I first uploaded the first two fights to Bilibili the page was still really small because I hadn’t started putting subtitles in the videos yet. So I had the brilliant idea to do some light re-editing of the first two tourist vs expat fights, ‘The Map’ and ‘The Café,’ get them subtitled, and then reupload them before uploading the third fight. The second fight I didn’t really edit much beyond changing the intro but for the first fight I added fight sounds, which I think makes it much more watchable. And since I was rewatching old fight videos I made a meme to go along with it.

Spongebob is a surprisingly good source of meme-able photos

For now I’m not sure what I’m going to do in regards to uploading my “director’s cuts” to YouTube. It makes sense to upload them again with subtitles right before the third one on Bilibili. But I’m not sure when the best time to upload them to YouTube would be. But I’ll probably reupload at least the first fight so keep an eye out for it.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on my next trip. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all the pictures and videos from my trips.