2020 Goals

2019 wasn’t a bad year. Okay it kind of was. But not for Myriad Misadventures. 2019 wasn’t a bad year for the blog. I kept up with monthly blog posts. I kept up with thrice weekly Instagram posts. I improved my YouTube output as the year went on and added some travel vlogs. I started doing short videos on TikTok. I did my first fight video at the beginning of the year and then did two more before the end of it. Without a doubt I was more serious about the blog in 2019 than I ever had been before.

But I want 2020 to be better. I want what I post this year to be better. I feel like my blog posts and YouTube videos have been a little light on content so on my last couple of trips, which I’ll post about this year, I filmed as much as I could and took way better notes. The plan is to make the blog posts more informative and the videos more interesting with all that extra filming and those extra notes.

I have an absolute blast with the fight videos and I’m planning on doing more martial arts stuff in 2020. Hopefully I can post some kind of martial arts video on YouTube every month. I’m going to try to get some shorter martial arts content for TikTok. And I’m hoping to get more inspiration for martial arts blog posts.

At the end of 2019 I started trying to learn how to get my content in front of more people and I’m hoping to learn a lot more in  2020. I’m working on figuring out tags on YouTube now and I’m going try to learn more about SEO for the blog. Hopefully that will help more people see my stuff. And if more people see my stuff I’ll be able to get more feedback about works and what doesn’t and what people like and what they don’t. All to help improve what I’m making.

Here’s to a new year!

2019 was a great year for Myriad Misadventures and I’m hoping to make 2020 even better so if there’s anything you like or want to see more of…or hate and want to see less of…leave me a comment or send me an email and I’ll do my best to keep improving the site.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on my next trip. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all the pictures and videos from my trips.