Wing Chun Blog 4 - Repetition

The biggest thing I’m noticing in these Wing Chun classes is that we do a lot of repetition, practicing on things we’ve previously learned, building on those things, and learning new places to use those things, instead of always moving on to something new

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JKD Vlog 6 - Wrestling?

I’ve always been bad at sweeps and throws but we don’t do them so much in tang soo do that I need to confront it. But we’ve been doing them a lot in wing chun and now we’ve done them in JKD which has been quite the wake up call 😓

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Tai Chi Vlog 3 - Not Finished?

We finished the Yang Style 28 form last class and in this class…did more of it? Or started a new form? Or combined it with a new form like a Transformer. I’m honestly not sure how the form piece we did in this class relates to the Yang Style 28 form we *maybe* finished in the last class.

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