What to do in Siem Reap


Food and Drink

Bugs Cafe - Restaurant specializing in serving bugs, all cooked into excellent dishes. A great place to try bugs if you’ve never had them before

Creative Cocktails - A cocktail cart with outdoor seating near the river. Pretty cool place to grab a drink at the end of the day

Koulen Restaurant - A restaurant showing dance shows that puts on a buffet dinner prior to the performance

Lilypop - Packed restaurant we went to one night when we met up with Max’s friend

Paris Bakery - A bakery near our hotel where we got breakfast before exploring Angkor Wat

Rina’s Khmer Kitchen - A restaurant with a pool (maybe it was part of a hotel?) where we had a late breakfast before exploring the city. Trip Advisor says it’s now called Star Bar

Siem Reap Brewpub - Local brewery where we stopped for drinks one night. I think they also had food but we didn’t try any

Street Food - Cheap and plentiful. There were a number of stalls north of the Siem Reap River on Pokambor Street if I remember correctly. Not far from Pub Street

Tevy’s Place - Great little local place with the friendliest owner where we stopped for dinner one night.

To do and see

Angkor National Museum - Museum full of relics and history about Angkor Wat. We went after we saw Angkor Wat but it might have been good to go before to know all the history while there

Angkor Wat and surrounding areas - Angkor Wat and the larger Angkor Archaeological Park are obvious draws of Siem Reap and not to be missed. Tickets cost $37 for 1 day, $62 for 3 days, or $72 for 7 days. It’s pretty big so consider getting some kind of transportation. We hired a tuktuk and went on two different loops over two days.

Koulen Restaurant - I don’t know how traditional the dance show was but we enjoyed it

Preah Ang Chek and Preah Ang Chom - A small temple in the city we stopped at on the way to the museum

While I enjoyed everything the real standouts were Tevy’s Place, Bugs Cafe, and of course all of the temples and ruins at Angkor. Don’t miss any of them. Any prices were for when I was there and may have changed and opinions are of course mine.

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