What Happened to YouTube?

What’s taking so long? I can hear you asking. And if you aren’t, I am. I know. It’s been a couple weeks without a YouTube video. I don’t like going that long without one either. I’d like to blame the new job or the fact that I’m making more TikTok videos for why I’m struggling with finishing the YouTube videos. And those are certainly part of the problem but not all of it. The problem is that the next video is a Bali vlog. And editing those vlogs, especially now that I’ve gotten to the part of the trip on Gili Trawangan, is absolutely soul crushing.

So when I first came to China I worked at a training center. It wasn’t great. That’s a story for another blog post though. I did travel while working there, just not a ton. The trips I went on were pretty fun though. At the end of 2017 though I started working at a regular day time school. Fall semester, spring semester, summer vacation, that kind of thing. And summer 2018, the first vacation I had there when I could travel, to Chinese New Year 2020, the last holiday before COVID, was probably the best stretch of travel of my entire life. We went on some incredible trips and Indonesia was one of the standouts, especially the second half of the trip when we were on Gili Trawangan, which is an island not too far from Bali (although technically not part of Bali).

Unfortunately we came back from that last trip during Chinese New Year 2020 right into COVID. Since then I’ve traveled very little and not internationally at all. Now normally editing travel vlogs is a little bittersweet, as you remember the good times you had on the trip. But editing the vlog from one of the best trips I’ve been on after two and a half years of barely being able to travel is incredibly difficult. Like I said, soul crushing.

It’s very difficult to think about how it’s been so long since I could travel, especially since that was probably the biggest benefit of living and working in China. And it’s even more difficult to edit the video about one of the best trips I went on and realize it was so long ago and I haven’t been able to do anything for so long. It’s been keeping my editing sessions very short which has really dragged out finishing the video. I’m sorry.

The video will get done but I am still working out my schedule and how best to fit everything in. And I’m struggling to get much editing done at once because of how tough it is mentally and emotionally to edit the footage. But it’ll be good when it’s finished so wait just a little longer 🙏.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all my pictures and videos.