Something New
Where we’re filming the first scene
I’m thinking about trying something new. Although I suppose that much is obvious based on the title. I’ve watched lots of martial arts films and every time I watch one I think about how cool the fight scenes are. A good story is important of course but when I’m watching a kung fu flick I usually care more about the fights. Now I realize that they aren’t realistic but I think that’s the point; a realistic fight wouldn’t be nearly as interesting from a movie going perspective. And every time I watch these fight scenes I think about how cool it would be to try to make one. I’ve been thinking this for years. Years and years and years. But even though I’ve had the idea kicking around (heh heh), for one reason or another I never got around to trying it out.
Now I am.
Around the beginning of summer I mentioned on WeChat that it was something I wanted to do. It was just sort of off hand and spur of the moment but someone replied. That’s when I realized that this wasn’t just something bouncing around in my head. I could actually do it. Make something up, think of some camera angles, film it. It wouldn’t be great. Certainly not movie quality and honestly maybe not even that good. But it would probably be fun and cool to watch. So I decided to give it a go.
Nothing happened during the summer because everyone was traveling and I was dragging my feet a little. Or a lot. Then I had some false starts after summer ended. I’ve also had trouble drumming up interest among people I know but I finally managed to get something going. My friend Dan and I have been working on some choreography during the weekend over the last month. I’m hoping to get it all filmed by the end of the year so I can edit it into something watchable by the end of January. I’ve got a good feeling about it and I’m getting excited. If it goes well I’m hoping to try to make some more, fine tuning both the choreography and the editing as I go, and hopefully finding more people to expand what we can do.
So here’s where I’ve decided to crowdsource a bit. What action movies does everyone like? What youtube accounts have put out good material. I can always use more inspiration and watching what other people have done should be a great way to get some. So drop me a comment with what you’ve watched and enjoyed so I can too!
Here’s a bit of Dan and I practicing.
Hopefully everything goes well and the video turns out alright. Don’t forget to leave a comment with some new stuff for me to watch!
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