New Job

There’s not much coffee by the office so I was excited to find even this

I didn’t post anything new last week. Anywhere. And I’m sorry. I started a new job last Monday and figured I’d take the week off from Myriad Misadventures to make sure I made a good first impression. I uh…think I did?

This week I’m back though. Unfortunately there’s no YouTube video. I’m still trying to find out when the best time to fit everything in with my new schedule is and haven’t found the best time for editing longer videos. But everything else is back this week. You’re reading this post already and I’ve got a full set of Instagram and TikTok posts all ready to go.

It looks like I won’t have much time to edit during the week. I should have a little time around lunch and that’s when I’m going to try to work on the week’s YouTube video. That means all of the Instagram and TikTok stuff needs to get done over the weekend. So today I was grinding out posts and noticed something off about Saturday’s martial arts TikTok video. The focus seemed…off somehow. So I checked the camera and sure enough I had the wrong autofocus mode on. So I’m sorry about that too haha. But it’s back and that’s what matters right? Right? …right?

Sorry again about missing last week but I’ll do my best to get back up and running.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on my next trip. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all the pictures and videos from my trips.