JKD Blog 7 - One Inch Punch


We started out class with lots of kicks. We worked roundhouse kicks as a partner drill kicking back and forth with out partner, standing still and just doing one kick and later moving around more. While kicking isn’t the thing I want to be focusing on I don’t mind doing them. I’m pretty bad at boxing and dodging and stuff so although that’s what I want to practice I get down when we do it lot because I’m just not great at it. But I like to think I’m okay at kicks so doing them every now and then keeps me from getting too frustrated.

Although the drill was good when I watch the videos it seems like I don’t turn my hips over enough on the kick. That’s…definitely something I should be better at… Something to work on I guess.

We also practiced the front kick to the thigh into a roundhouse kick. I liked this one less. It’s probably a good kick from a self defense perspective but I feel it’s kind of a risky kick to practice. Too high a chance of someone getting hurt. Personally I’d prefer a safer way to practice the technique, probably a pad drill.

From the kicks we moved to the one inch punch that Bruce Lee made famous. I think this was the first time I’d done them in class. I’m not totally sure how it went. I felt like I had a decent amount of power when I did the punch but when the instructor did it the other person got knocked back a bit. So I’m wondering if my power vs push ratio was okay or not. My Chinese was definitely limiting here.

Good class overall and I like to think I’m getting better but to be honest I’m not quite sure.

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