Is COVID Back in China?

I thought that the one year COVID update video that I did a month or two back was going to be my last COVID video. I was wrong.


I realized I was wrong when I got a text from Max on Thursday that one of the entrances to our complex had gotten blocked off. Some of the entrances had been blocked early in 2020 when the country went into lockdown but they’d all been open for months. Remembering that there had been a handful of cases recently traced back to Yantian Port I went on WeChat to check the latest numbers. Over 400. Uh-oh. Fearing the worst I grabbed my camera and went out for lunch.

After stopping to confirm that the entrance had indeed been blocked off (it was), I made my way to the metro station. None of the other entrances to the complex that I passed on my way were closed, nor were any of the metro station entrances. When I got to the mall where I was going to eat everything seemed normal. The area around the mall seemed pretty normal as well. With the exception of that closed entrance to my complex nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

is covid back in china testing.jpeg

Didn’t take too long

I figured there were two possibilities. The first is that the complex was just taking preventative measures. Nothing had changed but the complex was being cautious in light of the recent cases. The other was that something had changed, maybe the government sent out a new set of rules or something, but they were brand new and most places just hadn’t started to implement them yet. I was hoping it was the former.

Then today Max sent me a picture of a notice and told me that they were testing people at our complex for COVID and I should go. I don’t know if the testing was mandatory or if it was just for certain buildings or what. My Chinese is nowhere near good enough to read the notice she sent me. But off I went to get tested. A little less than an hour later I was back home and finishing my movie. The whole process was quite smooth but I can’t help but be spooked that they did testing here. Something must be wrong if they brought the tests to us.

So over the next couple of days/weeks I’ll make sure I pay attention to anything going on or changing in Shenzhen. Hopefully this is all just being very cautious and nothing much comes of it but you never know.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on my next trip. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all the pictures and videos from my trips.