Be Healthy

Let me just start this off by pointing out that I’m not a doctor. I’m as far from a health professional as can be and as such these are just my opinions. But that being said it...kind of seems like common sense.

Last week I read this article from the New York Times. It starts with the bombshell “More exercise means less risk of developing severe Covid, according to a compelling new study of physical activity and coronavirus hospitalizations.” The article goes on to say that’s it’s known that regular exercise can makes people less sick and quicker to recover basically because being healthy makes your body more able to fight off infections. And the same seems to be true in regards to COVID-19.

Now I realize that correlation does not equal causation but I couldn’t help but think as I was reading the piece, “How is this news? Doesn’t everyone know this?” The human body is extremely sophisticated and has all sorts of defenses in place to deal with getting sick. Being generally healthy means that your body can do what it’s supposed to do. Being unhealthy means that it can’t. That being healthy could make your body more able to fight off a covid infection should honestly come as no surprise.

So please exercise. Go for a run or walk. Lift some weights. Do some push ups. Get plenty of sleep. Drink plenty of water. Eat well. Get some sun. De-stress. Do martial arts. Stay healthy.

I could be way off the mark since I’m certainly no doctor but it just seems like common sense to try to be healthy. Of course while your staying healthy now make sure to follow all social distancing and mask wearing rules.

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