Music Videos

My fight videos and short films have been in a slump, to put it mildly. Between Shenzhen’s increasingly frequent COVID restrictions and me changing jobs I haven’t had as much time to link up with my friends to plan and practice as in the past. We’re still plugging away at some stuff but it’s moving pretty slow. And these videos never moved fast to begin with.

But in the meantime I’m putting in some work behind the camera. I mentioned earlier this year that SJ is releasing new music and filming music video EVERY MONTH this year and I helped out with a couple. Well I’m still helping. I haven’t filmed everything but I’ve filmed parts of a few of this years music videos and it’s given me time to practice. I can work on trying to get the right white balance and ISO so that the colors look right, filming at different frame rates depending on what that scene is depicting, and picking more interesting looking angles for shots. I wouldn’t say I’m good at any of it yet but I’m getting there.

And all of this stuff I’m practicing is stuff that I’ll be able to carry over into the short films. That’s why it’s so important to keep doing stuff, keep making stuff. Even if it isn’t 100% the thing you wish you were doing it’s probably related and you’re going to learn things that are going to help with other things you do, with your other projects.

Check out SJ the Artisan here:

I guess the moral is to go do stuff. Go make stuff. Whenever you can. And check out SJ the Artisan.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time. Don't forget to click the links below and follow to stay up to date on what I'm doing and where I am and to see all my pictures and videos.